guess what.
school sucks even more. wayyy worse than before.
screw school . i cant wait till its over.
i hate those freaking new rules. X/

the ugly duckling is turning into a swan
| hopefully being happy at 1:38 AM
school sucks even more. wayyy worse than before.
screw school . i cant wait till its over.
i hate those freaking new rules. X/
| hopefully being happy at 7:06 PM
thanks to this guy i'm gonna start updating my blog,
haha. MAYBE :)
terharu tak? terharu tak? hehehe ^^
| hopefully being happy at 6:19 PM
haha XD i didnt know ppl still uses blogger huh :P
i hav my tumblr but kinda lazy to update it too :)
guess why i suddenly wanna update my blog again,
ahah,cz there's this one guy,
he reads ppl's blog :P which i guess its a bit weird =='
cz i'm hell lazy to read ppl's blog :)
dont really like to read though :)
xcept for stuff like bio n chem ^^ haha, thats interesting :)
oh yeah. anyway, i dont know why, but then i felt like typing again ^^
stuff had been crazy lately! like real crazy! :)
good stuff n bad stuff ^^
u know why dont you? =='
n now its killing me . huu~
hav to find money like, a lot!
its actually no big deal though,
its just that i only hav like 2 weeks left in school,
which is TOO SHORT to find that much of money,
but whatever it is, i have GREAT FRIENDS,
n they've promised to help,
n i have an AWESOME SISTER.
which does really help. A LOT
i love her do fucking damn much :)
oh, okay, so 1st, i have to find money
2nd, i havent booked any hotel 4 sgpore yet =='
sorry effy,
3rd, now we're so effin busy with school mag
4th, god! the dance for japan! urgh! =='
too tired to do that, but i have to .
5th, i have to go n get my passport ==' from the hiroshima club thinggy.
to go to spore, n when is that? hmm.
6th, oh yeah, n the namecard 4 evryone ==' gawsh
so yeah ppl, so long farewell. there's just too much stuff to do :)
oh btw, i can post private stuffs here cant i?
hehe ^^ but maybe later~ when i have the time.
credits to adi :)
| hopefully being happy at 6:51 PM
| hopefully being happy at 8:29 AM
wahh. cant stop crying when i watched that movie,
it was so sweett!!! n sadd!! n touching!!
i give it 5 stars. ahha, bling2.
smpai bengkak mate,
i dont even know which part that i didnt cry,
only some parts before her husband died.
gosh. her husband was so sweett!! really sweet.
n after her husband died. i cried at all parts all the way.
haha. funnayyy. beriyer pulak tuh.
lg beriyer dari patah hati. haha.
conclusion, go watch it youself,
now, just even by looking at the pictures,
i feel like crying already, awww~~