party even harder! haha :P
and then, when my moms home.

the ugly duckling is turning into a swan
| hopefully being happy at 12:10 PM
and then, when my moms home.
| hopefully being happy at 12:08 PM
this is supposed to be my dad n my mom.
| hopefully being happy at 8:56 AM
dont know why everyone's dancing today. hhahah.
| hopefully being happy at 5:51 AM
maybe.. its quite too late for me to post this..
but,it's ok. :P
93% 8'as
best in sbp
5 subject 100% a
congratulation to all eldaterrians for the great success .
i love all of you so much!
thank you to all teachers. teachers n teachers.
for everything! the hardwork. and thoughts and faith.
we love you :))
thanks to rk training for all the support and help.
esp......................(for those who knew) haha :P
thanks to my parents for everything. my siblings. n etc. :)
special thanks to my friends.
syira.adib.zuzu.effy.diddy.hilda.nurul.etc. *too many* :)
nway. again. congratz eld!
be a good senior next year.
keep in touch for those who wont be in ssp next year.
take care of our batch name keyh :)
ilysm! <3
| hopefully being happy at 11:14 AM
| hopefully being happy at 8:59 AM
second day. second tooth :) weekk :P
| hopefully being happy at 11:19 PM
i'm being impressed by you.
haha :) whoa! ADDMATH FREAK!
ily.. woot2~
be my addmath tutor ok?
hehe~ :))
anyway audi, be tough ok,
i know you're tougher than this.
in fact, you're the toughest person i've ever meet.
and remember. i'll always be with you.
heheh :) now and forever.
and if there's anyone who dont wanna appreciate you.
no worries. i'll always appreciate you.haha.
weekkk :P
ily dear.~ xoxo
| hopefully being happy at 11:33 AM
| hopefully being happy at 8:49 AM
today huh? i woke up late, AGAIN!
| hopefully being happy at 2:30 AM
hwaa.. i woke up late today. :(
| hopefully being happy at 1:51 AM
| hopefully being happy at 1:25 AM
slept at 6.30 am yesterday. ahaha.
and i have to wake up at 12 today. whoa!
*mate lebam*
haha. criously.. panda.panda.panda.
cute one though. nice~
then i went to see the dentist.
and have to *tampal* my teeth.
ahah. adoii!~ :)
but its better than getting your heart broken.
nothing can hurt me more than getting my heart broken :)
but, i'm trying to heal.
somehow, its not really working, :)
but nevermind. we'll make it work.
one..two..three.. POOF!
magic. taraa! too bad, its still bleeding.
haha :) wtv.who cares anyway.
yesterday i went to a saloon.
to get a hair treatment,
too bad the person who did my hair was kinda sleepy.
so it doesnt really works. but still,
its better :) hehe.
pity her, havent ate yet. :(
haish, but nvm, next time i'm gonna try other saloon :))
which is....when exactly? i don't know.
maybe before i go back to school? haha +_+
omg!omg! 2 weeks left?!!!
| hopefully being happy at 10:11 PM
yess! thank you everyone for your support :))
credits for my friends ,,
my sis, supports me in every way she could
syira, thank you for listening to my stories and make me feel better :)
najmi, thank you for being there for me., ahaha. thanks for listening to my nonsense
audi, nathrah, dylla, hilda, naddy, n etc who knows my stories.
thank you. thank you. :)
| hopefully being happy at 12:55 PM