Adi Hani Ab Fatah
thanks to this guy i'm gonna start updating my blog,
haha. MAYBE :)
terharu tak? terharu tak? hehehe ^^

the ugly duckling is turning into a swan
| hopefully being happy at 7:06 PM
thanks to this guy i'm gonna start updating my blog,
haha. MAYBE :)
terharu tak? terharu tak? hehehe ^^
| hopefully being happy at 6:19 PM
haha XD i didnt know ppl still uses blogger huh :P
i hav my tumblr but kinda lazy to update it too :)
guess why i suddenly wanna update my blog again,
ahah,cz there's this one guy,
he reads ppl's blog :P which i guess its a bit weird =='
cz i'm hell lazy to read ppl's blog :)
dont really like to read though :)
xcept for stuff like bio n chem ^^ haha, thats interesting :)
oh yeah. anyway, i dont know why, but then i felt like typing again ^^
stuff had been crazy lately! like real crazy! :)
good stuff n bad stuff ^^
u know why dont you? =='
n now its killing me . huu~
hav to find money like, a lot!
its actually no big deal though,
its just that i only hav like 2 weeks left in school,
which is TOO SHORT to find that much of money,
but whatever it is, i have GREAT FRIENDS,
n they've promised to help,
n i have an AWESOME SISTER.
which does really help. A LOT
i love her do fucking damn much :)
oh, okay, so 1st, i have to find money
2nd, i havent booked any hotel 4 sgpore yet =='
sorry effy,
3rd, now we're so effin busy with school mag
4th, god! the dance for japan! urgh! =='
too tired to do that, but i have to .
5th, i have to go n get my passport ==' from the hiroshima club thinggy.
to go to spore, n when is that? hmm.
6th, oh yeah, n the namecard 4 evryone ==' gawsh
so yeah ppl, so long farewell. there's just too much stuff to do :)
oh btw, i can post private stuffs here cant i?
hehe ^^ but maybe later~ when i have the time.
credits to adi :)